André Burger & Associates

Australian Immigration Services

Our Staff

We have a balanced staff of both immigrants and Australians, who are able to draw from their collective personal experiences of immigration and local knowledge, to provide you with current and useful advice.

André Burger

Registered Migration Agent MARA No. 9801665

Migration Institute of Australia No. 1631

Justice of the Peace Number: 104 369


André has been a Registered Migration Agent with the Migration  Agents Registration Authority of Australia
since 1998,  when he started the company. Since then he has grown the business into a successful and well respected practice, which assists people from all over the world. He holds a Masters Degree in Migration Law and Practice from Griffith University.


Other Language: Afrikaans

Raul Senise

Registered Migration Agent MARA No. 0636699

Migration Alliance Member

Justice of the Peace Number: 188 969

Raul is a Registered Migration Agent with wide knowledge and experience having worked in the industry for over 10 years.  He has a background in Management and Trades and also holds qualifications in Management and Investigations. He is a regular presenter of Continuing Profession Development (CPD) courses to the Migration Industry.

Other Language: Italian

Karen Cortez

Registered Migration Agent MARA No. 1574663

Nicacel Aquino

Registered Migration Agent MARA No. 1281012

Nicacel has over 6 years of specific Immigration industry experience and has completed the Graduate Certificate in Immigration Law at Victoria University. She has also completed an Office Administration Traineeship and Certificate III in Business Administration.

Other Languages:  Tagalog & Capangpangan

Why use a Registered Migration Agent


All of our Migration Agents are registered with the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (OMARA) and are qualified to provide Australian Migration advice. Our agents continue to keep their skills and knowledge in Australian Immigration law updated and relevant by completing Continuing Professional Development (CPD) study each year, and by having access to our up-to-date professional library which includes the latest Migration Regulations, Migration Act, Migration Policy, Ministerial Instruments, etc.

André Burger & Associates operates within the Code of Conduct guidelines laid down by the industry body.

By using a Register Migration Agent you will:

· receive professional advice;
· receive up to date information on the current Australian Migration Regulations;
· improve your chances for success by accessing professional service and advice;
· be dealing with professionals who adhere to a strict industry Code of Conduct.
Did you know that people operating overseas do not have to be Registered. As such anybody operating outside of Australia can give Migration assistance even if they have no training, education or knowledge of the Australian Immigration System. Don’t risk your Australian Immigration process to anyone but a Registered Migration Agent.
Karen has completed the Graduate Certificate in Immigration Law at Victoria University and holds a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy Degree. She has over 8 years of employment experience in the Australian Immigration industry whilst based in the Philippines and in Australia. Originally from the Philippines, Karen has first-hand experience of the immigration process, having immigrated to Australia herself.

Other Languages: Tagalog & Ilonggo

Gabrielle Rendell

Registered Migration Agent MARA No. 1467983


Gabrielle holds a Bachelor of Law from the University of Wollongong along with a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice. Having experience within the legal judicial system and being admitted into the Legal Profession, Gabrielle has a clear understanding of the law and how it is practiced within Australia.

Howard Berchowitz

Operations Manager

Howard joined our management staff in 2010​. Howard is responsible for the day to day management of executive operations concerning the Company​and dictates overall business direction and goal achievement. With over 35 years of experience in​senior corporate management, Howard has contributed greatly to the ​overall and continued expansion and ​success of the ​Company.